Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Havok dropped by Evil Geniuses, alongside Parasite

They're building a new team moving forward.

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Esports organisation Evil Geniuses have announced some big changes to their Call of Duty team, namely that Colt 'Havok' McLendon and Chris 'Parasite' Duarte have been dropped.

Evil Geniuses say that their goal was to compete at a high level when they returned to Call of Duty for Infinite Warfare, while also returning to "a game which has been an important staple in our past." They don't deny that they've done that, but moving forward with WWII they say they want to build a new team to compete with the best in this game.

Do you think the shift to boots on the ground had something to do with the decision?

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Photo: Evil Geniuses

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