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      Age of Conan: Unchained

      Hyborian Stories - del 1

      Eksklusivt på Gamereactor

      Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev her!

      * Påkrevd felt

      Norske Funcom er i ferd med å finpusse deres kjempesatsning Age of Conan, og i den sammenheng har de skrevet føljetongen Hyborian Stories. Med jevne mellomrom kan Gamereactor presentere nye avsnitt i historien, med helt ferske bilder fra slagmarken.

      Første del av historien handler om Condall's Valley, og den blodige kampen som raser i området. Rull deg ned for å lese, og få med deg de to helt nye skjermbildene - bare på Gamereactor.

      Age of Conan: Unchained

      His Majesty King Conan
      The Royal Palace
      Tarantia, Aquilonia

      Lysander Hulus
      Conall's Valley

      My King,

      The situation within Conall's Valley is worse than anything we have heard. Cimmeria's skies darken at the first breaths of a long winter, and the clans of your people ready for war.

      I am no tactician, Sire, but trust me when I say this is a war they cannot win alone. The Cimmerians band together behind hastily-erected palisades, and pray for the Vanir to return north when the snows approach. You know your foes well, Sire. The red-hairs were born in the frost and raised in ice storms. They will not falter when the winter falls, they will stain the snow crimson with Cimmerian blood.

      Even now, a new danger stands at the head of the Vanir threat. The northerners here name them "Ymirish", and I tell you true, my eyes have never seen such vile looking men. Straw-yellow hair, skin as white as sickness itself, standing a head and half over a mortal man... It took four Cimmerians armed with spears to bring down a single Ymirish in the raid last night. It's said the blood of frost giants beats through their veins. I can believe that all too easily.

      I walk among the people answering to Torin Chieftain. His own warriors are divided - some pray for the snows and wish to defend their village; others follow the renegade hunter Kern Wolfeye, striking the Vanir in a series of gruelling raids. But it is not enough, Sire. Even a blind man could see the truth in my words.

      The days here are filled with the cries of the wounded as they are dragged into the village by their sword-brothers. The unquiet nights echo with the calls of wolf packs and distant laughter rising from the throats of the berserkers of Vanaheim. They have much to celebrate, with the lives they've reaped so far, and the slaughter that is yet to come.

      The Vanir number in the thousands, and the Cimmerians fall back time and again, battle after battle. Those who stand against the invaders from the north are crushed. The villages of your people burn, lord. The flames turn the horizon red each night. Cimmerian pride allows no surrender. Vanir wrath offers only destruction.

      Tonight I go to make contact with Kern Wolfeye, to speak with him of what can be done to wound the Vanir horde. The way to Kern is not an easy journey, and Vanir scouts are seen everywhere. If this is my last missive to you, count me among the slain, taken from life and your service by the chaos sweeping through the valley.

      We are losing the northlands in a storm of fire and blood, Highness.

      Time is short.

      Lysander Hulus,
      Loyal Agent of the Throne

      Age of Conan: Unchained

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