The Last of Us: Part II

Troy Baker om The Last of Us 2: - Jeg vet ingenting

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Tidligere i dag kunne vi melde at stemmeskuespiller Nolan North, kjent blant annet som stemmen til Nathan Drake fra Uncharted-serien, kom til skade for å røpe at en oppfølger til The Last of Us er på vei.

Dette er imidlertid ikke hans kollega Troy Baker, som hadde rollen som hovedperson Joel i nettopp The Last of Us, kjent med. Han vet nemlig ingenting om noen oppfølger:

- Okay, so I'm... And by the way I know nothing. I don't know if we're gonna do another one or not. If we do, then I trust Neil [Druckmann, creative director] and Bruce [Straley, game director] and everyone at Naughty Dog to tell a story that needs to be told, fortalte Baker til sitt publikum under et Q&A-panel på Indy PopCon 2015.

- I can go either way, though, because I think it could stand alone as just at its own thing. Like Journey, the game, not the band, it didn't need a sequel necessarily. It stood alone as a standalone piece of art that I think is incredible and if you haven't played it, it's amazing, fortsatte han.

Med det sagt la han ikke skjul på at han ikke er mot en oppfølger, men hvis han selv fikk velge er han mer interessert i en forløper. Han vil gjerne vite hva som skjedde med Joel i perioden mellom prologen og hovedhistorien i det første spillet:

- But for me, there's so much... You know, spoiler, when you go from the prologue and then credits and then cut to 20 years later, you see a completely different guy. You see someone that was a dad that was just trying to do everything he could to take care of his daughter to now, this feared, brutal man that has, as it said in the character description when I first auditioned for it, a man who has few moral lines left to cross.

That's a very profound statement to make of someone, and if that's true what led him to that place. So there's a part of me that wants to see those 20 years, but if you played Left Behind there's so much about Ellie that I want to know. We got to see obviously in that what happened when she mentions at the very end of The Last of Us, when she talks about her and Riley. So being able to see that, I kind of want to see more about Joel, but I almost want to see it... I don't know, man, I go back and forth.

But again, I have to default to this: I trust Neil and Bruce implicitly, so if they were to make a sequel, whatever they decide to take, even if they honestly - I believe in The Last of Us so much that even if Joel and Ellie weren't in it that would still be a game that I want to play or a story that I would want to experience.

Baker vet altså ingenting om et nytt spill. Alternativt forsøker han å unngå den samme tabben som North kan ha gjort ved å si for mye. Her i Gamereactor tror vi uansett at suksessen til originalspillet vil bunne ut i flere spill, spørsmålet er bare når det skjer...

The Last of Us: Part II
Troy Baker og hans digitale motstykke Joel.

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