The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 har solgt seks millioner

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* Påkrevd felt

CD Projekt Red har gått ut med nye tall som viser at deres rollespill The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt solgte seks millioner eksemplarer i løpet av de seks første ukene etter lansering. Vi visste allerede at spillet solgte fire millioner de første to ukene, så interessen fortsatte tydeligvis ikke å øke i tiden etter lansering. CD Projekt Red-sjef Adam Badowski hadde følgende å si om det som uansett er en suksess:

"One could think we have six million reasons to be happy and that's it. We do, but that number is also a big responsibility and I want everyone to know that we, as a studio, realize that. For us, all your high praise, all the positive reviews, are also an obligation--we've made a really good game but there's still a long road ahead of us. Everyone here in CD Projekt Red is really attached to their work and how you, the gamers, perceive it. Red is full of artists, wild dreamers and people crazy about what they do (and sometimes just plain crazy). We lose sleep over that particular color the sun has when it sets over Velen, and argue over arranging the furniture in a house the majority of gamers will probably never see. We're not the kind of people who are easily satisfied and we always strive for more. I'd like you to know that.
Yes, six million copies is a great achievement for a company making RPGs, but this business is not only about that. If our games are a gallery of sound, picture and text--you are the visitors of this gallery. To an artist, there's no sweeter sight than people enjoying their work. That's why, in the name of all the devs in the studio, I'd like to say thanks to each and every one of you."

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