Final Fantasy XV

Moogle Chocobo Carnival er en del av FFXVs Holiday Pack

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* Påkrevd felt

Med traileren ovenfor og bildene nedenfor har Square Enix introdusert Moogle Chocobo Carnival, en tidsavgrenset feiring i Final Fantasy XV. Fra og med tirsdag 24. januar vil spillerne kunne besøke et annerledes Altissia hvor festlighetene finner sted. Blant innholdet finner vi nye antrekk til Noctis, en haug med nye sideoppdrag og en god del fyrverkeri.

Tilleggspakken vil finnes i to ulike varianter, der den ene er gratis. Den som følger med season pass byr på mer innhold. Se begges innhold under bildene.

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Final Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XVFinal Fantasy XV

The Holiday Pack (gratis):

• Warrior's Fanfare - A scroll of sheet music containing a song of jubilation that provides additional AP for earning an A+ in Offense outside of training.
• Nixperience Band - A device that stops experience points from being tallied, preventing the party from levelling up for an added challenge.
• Carnival Passport - An adorably adorned ticket that whisks the bearer away to a fun-filled carnival for a limited time.
• Choco-Mog Tee (tilgjengelig i slutten av januar) - An exclusive T-shirt featuring everyone's favourite fluffy and feathery friends. Colourful, comfy and appropriate for any carnival-goer.

Holiday Pack + (betalt):

• Ring of Resistance - A protective piece of jewelry that renders the entire party to be resistant to magical friendly fire.
• Tech Turbocharger - A device for Noctis that accelerates the tech bar replenishment rate, but freezes the Armiger bar.
• Armiger Accelerator - A device for Noctis that accelerates the Armiger bar replenishment rate, but freezes the tech bar.
• Blitzer's Fanfare - A scroll of sheet music containing a song of jubilation that provides additional AP for earning an A+ in Time outside of training.
• Tactician's Fanfare - A scroll of sheet music containing a song of jubilation that provides additional AP for earning an A+ in Finesse outside of training.
• Key of Prosperity - A lucky charm that increases the rate at which fallen foes leave behind items of value.
• Stamina Badge - A device that enables Noctis to sprint and hang without expending stamina.
• Carnival Passport - An adorably adorned ticket that whisks the bearer away to a fun-filled carnival for a limited time.
• Festive Ensemble (tilgjengelig i slutten av januar) - A fancy and fun outfit perfectly suited for enjoying the festivities. The darling design puts all who see it in high spirits
• Holiday Pack + Exclusive Photo Frames (tilgjengelig i slutten av januar) - Additional themes the player can add to Prompto's photos when sharing over social media.

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