Sist fredag ble det Wii U-eksklusive Devil's Third sluppet, og spillskaper Tomonobu Itagaki har nå kritisert måten mediene behandlet spillet på i forbindelse med anmeldelsene. Hovedpoenget hans er at anmelderne ikke har tatt seg tid med spillet, og at eksempelvis flerspilleren ikke har blitt testet i sin naturlige form.
"Thank you for playing our Devil's Third.
I believe that those of you who actually have the game in your hands are more than satisfied with how interesting and fun the game is.
Unfortunately the scores we've been receiving in Europe are pretty awful. Some of the criticism we're getting is constructive and fair - I can accept that. But in general, I'm going to guess that most of the people reviewing the game weren't given a chance to evaluate it properly.
Just as one example, we designed the online multiplayer mode to be enjoyed together with tons of people, but it seems dozens of reviewers were only allowed to try the game in a closed environment.
That's extremely unfortunate for everyone involved. As you can imagine, no one can effectively evaluate the playability of multiplayer games under these conditions."
Gamereactors anmeldelse landet på gjennomsnittskarakteren 4/10, og det var flerspilleren som trakk karakteren opp. Vi antar at Itagaki ikke ville vært fornøyd med vår karakter heller, selv om vi hadde et hav av tid til å teste spillet.