The Sims 2

The Sims 2 - Open for Business i nytt filmklipp

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Et spill som The Sims 2 selger fortsatt i bøtter og spann og dette utnytter selvsagt EA og Maxis godt. For ikke så altfor lenge siden kunne vi presentere en ny tilleggspakke til The Sims 2 som hadde fått den offisielle tittelen Open for Business. Nå ligger altså et nytt filmklipp klart og vi gir deg nå muligheten til å sjekke dette ut via denne linken:


The Sims 2: Open for Business i nytt filmklipp

Her er mer fakta:
* Create Thriving Businesses: Open up shops selling just about anything from clothing, electronics, and toys to flowers, baked goods, robots and more. Customize any business to your choosing by tailoring the store theme, layout and prices. Hire employees with high sales skills and employ independent managers to run things while your Sim is away. Watch as your business grows from a mom and pop shop into a booming empire.
* Be The Boss: Train employees, promote the best, and fire the rest. Cater to different customers including browsers and loyal shoppers. Mess with your Sims and dress them in outrageous mascot outfits that resemble Knights, Ninjas, Gorillas, and more. Reward the staff to boost morale but beware of slacker workers and be prepared to lay them off without hesitation!
* Learn The Tricks Of The Trade: Customer is king. Develop your Sims’ sales skills and determine if your employees should use a hard sell or drop the price to close the deal. Win the Best-of-the-Best Award to establish your Sim’s business rep. Will your Sim’s business make more money selling low quality products at basement rates or luxurious goods at scale-tipping prices?
* Turn Talents Into Cash: Arrange flowers, make toys, and create robots to catch thieves at home or clean up the shop. Develop master-skilled Sims to make the most prized and expensive goods. Settle for an entry-level crafter and churn out pet bricks or faulty toy robots. Just bring home the bacon any way you can!
* More Than 125 New Items: Stock up on essentials for your Sims’ business, including display cases, a beauty salon chair, a toy workbench, a floral station, cash registers, and more. Complete your shop atmosphere with awnings and elevators for easy store navigation, or matching uniforms for all employees. With all the new items, there will never be another dull day building a business!

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ANMELDELSE. Skrevet av Hanne Tosterud

Simmene er endelig tilbake i ny og forbedret drakt. Grafikken er oppdatert og simmene er blitt mer intelligente og selvstendige.

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