Days Gone

Historien i Days Gone er 30 timer lang

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* Påkrevd felt

Vi har ikke hørt så mye om det Sony-eksklusive zombie-eventyret Days Gone siden det ble utsatt (kommer ut neste år). Vi regner med at det kommer til å dukke opp på E3 igjen, men frem til da kan vi korte ned ventetiden med å lese hva produsenten John Garvin har sagt om spillets lengde i et intervju med Game Informer:

"You don't have to go find faction wars, and get involved in that. You can be on your way to a mission and get knocked off your bike by a Runner, which is an infected wolf, and the same time, you're running low on gas, and you've done a bunch of squirreling around off-road, and your bike's damaged. So, the story's something like 30 hours, but it's going to take a lot longer than that, because things are going to happen to you along the way depending on how careful you are, depending on how much you pay attention. I don't know of any other open world game that does that."

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