The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan

The Dark Pictures kaster seg ut i forskjellige skrekksjangere

Pete Samuels forklarte tilnærmingen de har valgt på Gamescom.

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* Påkrevd felt

The Dark Pictures er en ny skrekkantologi fra Supermassive Games (gjengen bak Until Dawn), som sparkes i gang neste år med Man of Medan, og på Gamescom snakket vi med CEO Pete Samuels om hvor de fikk ideen til dette formatet.

"Well, when we were talking about what to do from about two, two-and-a-half years ago, about how to move forward in that genre of kind of immersive, interactive horror in a cinematic style, we actually had a lot of feedback from the players of our games and some of the suggestions there were actually around an anthological approach," forklarte han.

"Now we know horror in anthology format has a really long history, around 200-year history in literature, you know it's almost a hundred-year history in radio, film, and TV following, so it's not an uncommon way of delivering horror, and the thing it does for us is it allows us to attack different subgenres of horror. We've identified 39 subgenres of horror, so there's a lot of material there, and people who know our previous work know that we like to play on typical horror movie tropes across the different decades, and we have fun with that, so that what we do is recognisable to horror fans."

For mer informasjon om antologien sjekk ut hele intervjuet i videoen nedenfor, og ta en titt gameplay-videoen fra Gamescom. Liker du det nye konseptet deres? Hvilke undersjangere håper du de tar for seg?

The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan

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The Dark Pictures - Man of Medan

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet av Silje Marie Ruud Slette

Man of Medan er det første spillet i Supermassives nye satsing, The Dark Pictures-antologiserien. Silje har spilt igjennom et par ganger og sitter igjen med en noe bitter smak i munnen.

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