Dice og EA forbereder seg på å slippe en ny ladning med nedlastbart innhold til det populære skytespillet Battlefield 4, og den neste pakken heter "Legacy Operations". Denne kommer i slutten av november måned, og EA skriver følgende om tillegget:
Battlefield 4 Legacy Operations DLC is coming soon to Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. The free DLC will include Dragon Valley 2015, reimagined visually and with additional new gameplay features. The classic map from Battlefield 2, opens up for vehicular mayhem on land, air, and sea, with a massive number of flags, and destructible and repairable bridges.
<i>Last year, we asked the Battlefield community which classic map you wanted to be added to Battlefield 4, and your answers pointed us in one direction: Dragon Valley. Now, this map is being re-imagined as Dragon Valley 2015, for release on PS4, Xbox One and PC with the Legacy Operations DLC, free for Battlefield 4! If you played Battlefield 2, you likely remember the map - it was huge, with a massive number of flags, and destructible and repairable bridges. Our goal for this map is to make a great, large vehicle map for Battlefield 4 but at the same time modernize the original where appropriate.