Free Radical kan i dag fortelle verdens sultne FPS entusiaster, at det tredje kapittelet i TimeSplitters serien vil bli utgitt av Electronic Arts.
Dermed sikrer EA seg enda et gullegg, som ifølge firmaet vil slippes en gang i løpet av 2005. Frank Sagnier fra EA sa følgende ved annonseringen:
"Free Radical has proven to be an excellent studio by continuously releasing exciting and quality games. We are excited about working together with Free Radical and adding another quality title to our growing catalogue of externally developed games."
Steve Ellis hos Free Radical er heller ikke i tvil om at det er en god avtale:
"Choosing EA Partners to be our distributor is a big breakthrough for Free Radical. We are already busy working on our next title, and we hope that with the help of EA Partners we can reach a bunch of new gamers around the world."