Etter en økende interesse for Anarchy Online, har FunCom bestemt seg for å utvide '7 day trial' versjonen av spillet. Betingelsene er de samme - prøv spillet gratis i 7 dager - men, nå kan også de som ikke har bredbånd glede seg over tilbudet.
Her er ett utdrag fra pressemeldingen: You no longer have to download the game to take advantage of our seven-day free trial offer! With interest for Anarchy Online growing, Funcom has decided to expand the popular seven-day free trial offer to also include a mailing option. By choosing the mailing option and filling out your name and address details, the game client will be mailed to you.
Your only expense is a standard shipment cost of $4.95,-. Please allow 4-21 days delivery time depending on your location.
This new mailing option is a good alternative for people who are not able to download large files over the internet, or are reluctant to do so. The game CD includes recent game patches, and does not require a lot of extra
patching to get started.Hvis du synes dette lyder interessant, så stikk innom de offisielle Anarchy Online sidene og bestill din kopi i dag!