Under en spørretime med aksjonærene kunne Nintendo-sjef Tatsumi Kimishima avsløre at Fire Emblem Heroes har flere betalende kunder enn Super Mario Run, og det til tross for at sistnevnte har mer enn ti ganger så mange nedlastinger:
"Super Mario Run has seen over 150 million downloads and access from over 200 countries. Less than 10 percent of these consumers have actually purchased the full game. While there are consumers all over the world who want to play a Mario game, there are varying economic situations across the world, and some consumers are not able to pay for the game.
The number of downloads of Fire Emblem Heroes is less than a tenth of the number for Super Mario Run, but the total figure that consumers have spent on this title is more than on Super Mario Run. There is a wide variety of consumers, including consumers who are willing to pay to get items within the games we offer."
Kimishima tror årsaken til at så få har betalt for Super Mario Run skyldes pris eller betalingsmåte. For å forbedre dette vurderer Nintendo å se på andre modeller for å slippe til flere spillere.
Her i redaksjonen håper vi at Nintendo ikke vil kompromisse på kvalitet, for der ligger Super Mario Run flere hestelengder foran Fire Emblem Heroes.