Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII-remaken vil ikke bare bli en penere versjon

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* Påkrevd felt

Final Fantasy VII-remakens produsent Tetsuya Nomura har gitt fansen litt mer informasjon om hva de kan vente seg i den kommende versjonen av klassikeren. Det vil ikke bare handle om det visuelle, for det ser ut til at også spillmekanikken får seg en grundig overhaling:

"We can't have these upgraded, beautiful 3D models of Cloud and Barrett, still lining up in a row, jumping forward to attack an enemy, then jumping back to wait for their next turn. That would be bizarre. Of course there will likely be changes there."

Nomura sier også at det ikke hadde vært noe poeng i å lage kun en tradisjonell HD-port av Final Fantasy VII:

"The original is out again: the ‘HD' PC version is coming to PS4 already. We don't need two of the same thing. Even if we beautified and upgraded the visuals - something that's bound to happen. If it's a full remake, then of course, we want to take a different approach. If we actually just upgraded the visuals there'd be no need for me to direct it. If we take everything literally the same, we're turning into the HD port again."

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Final Fantasy VII

Kilde: VG247

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