Activision har sluppet listen med musikk og artister til det kommende Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Det blir en samling covers av diverse punklåter fra tiden da American Wasteland utspiller seg. Her er i alle fall listen: ny artist / melodi / originalartist.
My Chemical Romance -- "Astro Zombies" (Misfits)
Fall Out Boy -- "Start Today" (Gorilla Biscuits)
Taking Back Sunday -- "Suburban Home" & "I Like Food" (Descendents)
Thrice -- "Seeing Red" & "Screaming at a Wall" (Minor Threat)
Alkaline Trio -- "Wash Away (Beneath the Shadows)" (T.S.O.L.)
Rise Against -- "Fix Me" (Black Flag)
Thursday -- "Ever Fallen In Love" (Buzzcocks)
Drop Kick Murphy's -- "Who is Who" (Adolescents)
Saves the Day -- "Sonic Reducer" (Dead Boys)
Senses Fail -- "Institutionalized" (Suicidal Tendencies)
From Autumn To Ashes -- "Let's Have A War" (Fear)
Emanuel -- "Search & Destroy" (The Stooges)
The Bled -- "House of Suffering" (Bad Brains)
Hot Snakes -- "Time to Escape" (Government Issue)
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland slippes til plattformene PS2, Xbox, GameCube, NDS og Xbox 360.
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