Hogwarts Legacy

Samtlige Trophies fra Hogwarts Legacy lekket

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Hogwarts Legacy er fortsatt noen måneder unna, men det er indikasjoner på at studioet bak spillet, Avalanche, nærmer seg siste steg i utviklingen.

Om ikke annet er alle spillets Trophies/Achievements nå spikret. Dette vet vi fordi PowerPyx har fått tak i hele listen, hvilket naturligvis gir oss et bedre bilde av hva eventyret vil handle om. Vi advarer selvfølgelig om spoilere nedenfor:

Platinum trophy
Earn all other trophies.

The Sort Who Makes an Entrance trophy
Complete the introduction and finish the Sorting Ceremony

Grappling with a Graphorn trophy
Subdue the Lord of the Shore

The One Who Mastered Memories trophy
View all Pensieve memories

The Hallowed Hero trophy
Wield a Deathly Hallow

The Hero of Hogwarts trophy
Defeat Ranrok

The Seeker of Knowledge trophy
Win the House Cup

The Avenging Gazelle trophy
Complete Natsai Onai's relationship line

The Defender of Dragons trophy
Save a dragon

Beast Friends trophy
Complete Poppy Sweeting's relationship line

A Sallow Grave trophy
Complete Sebastian Sallow's relationship line

Flight the Good Flight trophy
Beat Imelda's time in all broom races

The Toast of the Town trophy
Find the Map Chamber as a Slytherin

The Good Samaritan trophy
Complete all side quests

Challenge Accepted trophy
Complete all tiers of a challenge

Collector's Edition trophy
Complete all collections

A Keen Sense of Spell trophy
Invoke Ancient Magic for the first time

Loom for Improvement trophy
Upgrade a piece of gear

The Root of the Problem trophy
Stun 10 different enemies using a Mandrake

The Nature of the Beast trophy
Breed every type of beast

Going Through the Potions trophy
Brew every type of potion

Put Down Roots trophy
Grow every type of plant

Third Time's a Charm trophy
Upgrade a piece of gear 3 times

The Auror's Apprentice trophy
Find the Map Chamber as a Hufflepuff

A Talent for Spending trophy
Spend 5 Talent Points

Savvy Spender trophy
Spend all Talent Points

Room with a View trophy
Reach the highest point in the castle, the Headmaster's upper study

Spilled Milk trophy
Use Flipendo ten times - to tip one cow or several

Floo Around the World trophy
Unlock all Floo Flames

Followed the Butterflies trophy
Follow butterflies to a treasure

Rise to the Challenges trophy
Defeat enemies in all battle arenas

Merlin's Beard! trophy
Complete all Merlin Trials

The Intrepid Explorer trophy
Discover all cairn dungeons

Coasting Along trophy
Visit Poidsear Coast

The Gryffindor in the Graveyard trophy
Find the Map Chamber as a Gryffindor

Demiguise Dread trophy
Find all Demiguise statues

The Ends Petrify the Means trophy
Defeat a total of fifty enemies using Petrificus Totalus

Raising Expectations trophy
Reach a combo of 100

Finishing Touches trophy
Use Ancient Magic on every enemy in the game

The Spell Master trophy
Learn all spells

A Forte for Achievement trophy
Reach Level 40

The Wise Owl trophy
Find the Map Chamber as a Ravenclaw

First Class Student trophy
Attend your first class

Troll with the Punches trophy
Survive the troll attack on Hogsmeade

That's a Keeper trophy
Meet Charles Rookwood in the Map Chamber

Rising From the Ashes trophy
Rescue the phoenix

Hogwarts Legacy

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ANMELDELSE. Skrevet av Jonas Mäki

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