Frogster Interactive har nettopp annonsert at deres release av The Chronicles of Spellborn har blitt utsatt til første kvartal neste år. Dette gjør at utvikleren Spellborn kan bruke mer tid på sin finpussing av spillet. Spillet er som du sikkert kjenner til et MMORPG-spill og bruker Unreal 2.5 Engine (grafikkmotor).
Her er mer fakta:
Welcome to the website of The Chronicles of Spellborn, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game currently in development for the PC. The Chronicles of Spellborn boasts an original setting and storyline and offers a distinctive art style. The game is being built using the renowned Unreal Engine.
Set within a unique universe, a realm that has been torn apart by the catastrophic events of the last great war, The Chronicles of Spellborn will offer you the chance to go questing with a group of heroes one day, conquer new shards and engage in the politics of the High Houses.
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