The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - skjermiser

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Sitter du med en GBA, kan du snart kose deg med en nytt Zelda-spill. Det har fått navnet The Minish Cap og kommer allerede 12. november. Har du ikke blitt lei denne serien, ja da kan snart glede deg til en ny runde med Zelda eksklusivt på GBA-en.

Her litt info om spillet:
Released from the broken power of an ancient mystical sword, Vaati the wind mage is wreaking havoc on the Land of Hyrule. The only way to free the people from Vaati's evil clutches is to restore the sword and seal the evil mage's power once more. However, the knowledge to restore the sword is only kept by the tiny Minish people who live in a land unseeable by adult eyes. Enter Link, a young boy who takes on the epic journey that will turn him into a hero of legend...

On his adventure Link comes across an extraordinary hat called the "Minish Cap". The Minish Cap has amazing powers: it can shrink Link down to minute size and even speak, offering Link invaluable advice. Using the powers of the ever-helpful and friendly Minish Cap, Link can explore two very different worlds: his own native land, and the tiny land of the Minish people. By changing his size between big and small, Link can solve brain-teasing puzzles and negotiate previously inaccessible areas.

Players can look forward to finding and using many new items, such as a suction device used to bring faraway objects close by, and kinstones. Kinstones collected in the game can be fused with other kinstones in order to make unexpected events occur and mysterious items appear.

With a huge overland world complete with beautiful locations and unforgettable characters, as well as challenging, enemy-filled dungeons to explore, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap will keep players of all ages glued to their GBA screen for many enjoyable hours.

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

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