Det forrige Splinter Cell-spillet, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, lot deg velge din egen spillestil og bød på den måten på en slags blanding av Splinter Cell: Conviction og tidligere kapitler i serien. Dette var både utviklerne og Gamereactor-redaktør Tor Erik rimelig fornøyd med, men det betyr ikke at alle fremtidige Splinter Cell-spill vil følge samme oppskrift.
Snarere tvert imot forventer Animation Director Kristjan Zadziuk fra Ubisoft at det neste spillet blir nokså annerledes:
- We haven't got the luxury of Assassin's Creed where we know our formula; we're still evolving, forklarer Zadziuk.
Han fortsetter:
- If you look at them, there's no two Splinter Cells that are the same. They've all evolved and adapted. That, to me, is what makes it really exciting. We're getting closer to what that game is, and maybe it isn't necessarily about Splinter Cell being a 15-16 million Call of Duty-type best-seller. Maybe it's just about it being the best Splinter Cell that it can be.
Videre påpeker han at Splinter Cell-teamet ikke er så begeistret for å låne elementer fra andre titler, da de helst vil gjøre sin egen greie:
- It's not like we sit around and go 'I'm having that'; it's what works for each game. Far Cry 3 is such an expansive game, so they're trying to find you an organic way of giving you a map. That wouldn't work for Splinter Cell - there'd be no point in Sam climbing to the top of a tower and pressing a button. But then again, we have our version of active sprint. It's not a way of copying Assassin's Creed, it's our way of making Sam more fluid, avslutter Zadziuk.
Vi er allerede spente på hva teamet finner på til det neste spillet.