Det nord-amerikanske LCS laget Counter Logic Gaming har annonsert at de har fristilt Joshua 'Dardoch' Hartnett, og at Omar 'Omargod' Amin skal erstatte ham. Annonseringen lyder som følger:
"Over the course of the split, we found that Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett did not align with our focus on teamwork and culture. We therefore brought in Omar "Omargod" Amin as part of a six-man roster in order to show Dardoch what a group of five people invested in teamwork can accomplish. Dardoch helped the team find their competitive spirit early in the split and we knew that if we could help Dardoch learn to make those sacrifices - we would have the roster we needed to become LCS champions once again. Unfortunately, Dardoch was unwilling to adhere to the set of standards expected of every member of the team."
Til tross for at Hartnett ikke ville føye seg etter lagets planer, anerkjenner de hans viktige rolle i forrige sesong. Her er hva trener Tony 'Ziks' Gray sier:
"Dardoch helped reignite the competitive passion within the team. When he joined the team and worked with them throughout the bootcamp, I saw a desire from the team that I had not seen in a long time. I am sad that things did not go as well as we expected, but I learned a lot from the time I worked with Dardoch. Although he unfortunately could not align with the team's culture, I believe he is still a strong mechanical player and will be able to find a place on another team."
Forhåpentligvis kan han finne tonen med Team Liquid.