Need for Speed

Her er de seks områdene i Need for Speed

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* Påkrevd felt

Nå er det ikke lenge igjen før vi kan slippe clutchen i Ghost Games' nye Need for Speed. Nærmere bestemt blir det lansert neste uke, den 5. november, og vår søsterredaksjon i Sverige skal i morgen hjem til utviklerne for å teste hva vi har i vente. Før vi kommer så langt har vi gleden av å presentere de seks områdene, eller bydelene, vi skal gasse gjennom til uken. Her er de:

Need for Speed

Burnwood is home to your garage, and the source of some of the best up and coming talent in the world of car culture. Downtown roads connect office and commercial buildings, while on the outskirts the industrial areas and railyard offer an alternative for those looking to take their build out away from the tight inner city layout. To the North sits Los Sol, home of the iconic Los Sol Bridge, and Breckenholl, which offers a gateway to the beautiful Crescent Mountains.

Need for Speed

Crescent Mountains
Situated above Burnwood sits Crescent Mountains. Starting at Buck Foothills, a place made famous by Buck Foothills View, long sweeping roads will take you deep into the mountains and give you spectacular views of the city below. Travel further North and you'll find yourself in Granite Spring, home to both the Granite Spring Monument and the Crescent Mountains Bridge. For those feeling adventurous, exploring even further North will take you towards Weid Canyon and its Dam. Of course, what goes up has to come back down, and with a series of sweeping roads trailing off below there's no better place for those looking to shred some tires and earn some major Style REP.

Need for Speed

Royal Park
Nestled in between Burnwood and South Port sits Royal Park. Despite being the primary residential zone in the city, it's best known for its commercial district and towering buildings which can be seen for miles across Ventura Bay. Also to the West of Royal Park is GHOST Stadium, the perfect landmark for those looking to meet with their Crew before hitting the streets together. Or take a drive eastbound and you'll find yourself at the Lone Palm Village Mall, with roads southbound slingshotting around Arcadia Park before leading into South Port.

Need for Speed

South Port
Looking to take advantage of some narrow roads? Head on over to South Port, the industrial hub of Ventura Bay. Dominated by the VB Petrochemical Company and the San Pedro Docks, it won't be fronting any tourism campaigns for Ventura Bay, but it's the perfect place for those looking to get away from the inner city streets and let off some steam. With the Ventura Bay PD Headquarters in this part of town too it's an Outlaw's playground, with plenty of cops to mess with as you lead them on chases around South Port and beyond.

Need for Speed

El Rey
Located in the far west of the city is El Rey, a largely mountainous area, with plenty to see providing you're going slow enough to take in the view. There are two ways through El Rey; the freeway which runs along its Western coastline, perfect for those yearning to hit those top speeds, or up and across the mountain range through Sinner's Peak. El Rey Pier offers visitors a welcome place to park up and take a break before jumping on the freeway and making the drive across town. Don't go too fast though, you'll want to keep your eyes open for Castle Hill Falls.

Need for Speed

Franklin Terrace
Head west over the South Port Bridge and you'll find yourself in Franklin Terrace, where numerous tech companies such as BBA Industries have set up shop. Sweeping roads connect Apollo Heights and Harbor View, while good freeway connections to the North, South and West provide easy access to other areas of Ventura Bay.

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