League of Legends

Immortals' Dardoch bytter plass med Xmithie på CLG

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* Påkrevd felt

I forrige uke presenterte ESPN rykter om at Immortals-spilleren Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett skulle bytte lag med Counter Logic Gaming-spilleren Jake "Xmithie" Puchero. Nå har dette blitt bekreftet, og det er CLG selv som har gått ut med informasjonen på offisielt vis.

Dardoch kommenterer overgangen slik:

"I joined CLG primarily because they are a strong roster with a great support staff. I hope everyone can accept me in place of Xmithie. I understand the concerns you probably have about me joining the roster, given my reputation, as well as it being the first roster change in quite some time for CLG. But I hope you guys support me either way and I'll do my best to make CLG the best team it can be."

Esportsjef hos CLG, Trinitiii, la til:

"We knew lots of changes needed to be occur to obtain the results that we are seeking. CLG is committed to being the best and winning esports team - continuing the legacy of what made CLG the organisation it is today. Dardoch is a young, talented, and passionate player that brings with him an incredible amount of drive. With the new systems in place that include accountability, mindset, structure, and strategy we are confident that Dardoch will thrive in the CLG environment both in and out of the game."

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League of Legends
Photo: Riot Games

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