Her kommer gode nyheter til alle bilspillfans. Need for Speed slippes i morgen, og det kaster seg på samme bølge som The Witcher 3 ved ikke å ta betalt for nedlastbare tillegg. Spillets kreative sjef, Craig Sullivan sier nemlig følgende i et intervju:
"I've seen the plans for what's going to happen over the next few weeks and months - there's nothing in there, by which I mean, we don't even have the ability to charge you in the game. There's no store to speak of. Everything we're doing is focusing on listening to what the fans are asking for. They're certainly not saying to us, 'Can you build a load of stuff and charge us for it?'"
På spørsmål om det kommer til å endre seg med tiden svarer han:
"It's not going to. The plan is that there are no transactions in this game."
Mens de fleste storspill tar betalt for såkalt DLC, så velger altså Ghost Games å droppe alt slikt.