League of Legends

WildTurtle forlater TSM enda en gang

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* Påkrevd felt

Jason 'WildTurtle' Tran har vært hos Team SoloMid siden de vant vårsesongen i NA LCS, samt konkurrert i Mid-Season Invitational, men nå kan TSM fortelle at han forlater laget til fordel for FlyQuest.

Ifølge TSM forlot WildTurtle laget for å være sikret en plass i startoppstillingen, for så langt har han vært nødt til å konkurrere mot Yiliang 'Doublelift' Peng.

"I've spent most of my career on TSM now and I'm extremely thankful for all the experiences I've had with Andy and the rest of the team. I'm really going to miss playing with everyone and within such a motivated environment. At the same time, I'm looking forward to this next split and to be moving onto another stage of my career with my old teammates Hai, Lemon, and Balls. I think FlyQuest will be a good home for me, and I hope continue my success with them," sier Wildturtle.

Tror du han kan lykkes like godt hos FlyQuest?

League of Legends
Photo: Riot Games

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