Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

X05: Screens fra Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

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Mye er om Xbox 360 under årets X05, men Microsoft og tredjepartsutviklerne har ikke glemt den vanlige Xbox-en. 18. november slippes f.eks. UbiSoft's egenutviklet Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII, som er et klassisk shoot'em up med fly under Andre verdenskrig. Her er fire nye høytsvende skjermiser fra store slag over et krigsherjet London.

Her er flere fakta:
Experience the most gripping and famous battles of WWII through the eyes of a squadron commander and ace fighter pilot. From the battle for England, the attack on Pearl Harbor, to the bombing of Berlin, your pilot skills will create WWII history. Conquer the skies of Western Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific and bring your squadron back alive.

* WWII's most epic and famous air battles. Experience the greatest air battles of World War II in famous locations from across the globe. Whether it's the invasion of the Philippines, the fierce fighting for the desserts of North Africa, or the battle of Britain, the player and his squadron will be tasked with turning the tide of war.
* Innovative squadron-based gameplay. AI-controlled wingmen will obey player commands. As the pilot's skills improve, so will the skills of his squadron. The pilot's heroism and leadership will grow during the course of the campaign as players fly with their squadron and evolve together into an ace fighting force.
* A large variety of realistic-looking WWII aircraft. Pilot 40 authentic WWII aircraft including the famous P-51 Mustang, the P-38 Lightning, the B-17 Flying Fortress, the Luftwaffe's Messerschmitt, the Spitfire of Britain and the Japanese Zero. From the wing rivets, to the nose art, to the detailed cockpits, these planes are just like the real thing.
* Twenty heart-stopping missions in a compelling storyline. Pilots will begin as untrained recruits and evolve through battle experience into ace combat pilots. WWII missions will take place around the globe in places like England, Germany, France, Morocco, Midway and Okinawa.
* Authentic WWII atmosphere. Fly in close to Germany's industrial terrain for a bombing raid, strafe the islands of the pacific, or emerge from the cloud cover over London and engage the enemy. The environment looks so real you'll feel like you're the pilot in a famous WWII movie.
* Planes are easy to handle and fun to fly. No need to attend the Air Force Academy to pilot these planes; players can jump right into air combat action.
* Xbox Live for up to 20 players online. Engage in head-to-head dogfights or cooperative team play between squadrons on huge maps with large formations.

Flere nyheter fra årets X05 finner du inn her

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

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